Various Vessels
Limoges Porcelain - Stretched Suspended Torn
The following vessels are my hand rolled single wafer vessels that are spontaneously shaped. The method speaks to Haiku poetry a single stroke, movement, stanza must both represent and be the cosmos. These pieces experiment with birth, emerging, awakening, some structures hold and some fall apart, this is the way of the cosmos. There is no success for me other than encountering the sacred geometry that forms all things. Further works and details will follow post the firing and finishing process. I hope these infant happenings may be appreciated for their essence and integrity of process.
Series II: Erosion and Suspension (2021)
These pieces are rolled Royal Porcelain, thrown by hand then suspended in water. The technique is experimental and I am interested in the exploring the limitation of the form in terms of gravity and erosion.
Series I: Sculptural Porcelain: Embers and Dust (2020)
During the first lock down (covid-19 pandemic) I ordered several bags of my favourite clay and a few of porcelain to experiment with. The raw bone texture of the semi-fired material lends itself to further carving and paring by hand. The pieces above and below are prototypes for larger pieces, experimenting with fragmentation and erosion.
Photography by James Merrell (2020)
Photography by James Merrell (2020)